Girl Scout Robotics Badge
The Red Beard Pandas are proud to offer a Girl Scout program for the Robotics Badge. The former Tuxedo Pandas worked hard to design a program that empowered girls to understand and participate in STEM- specifically robotics. This program resulted in attendees knowing what a robot is, how to code a robot to execute a specific mission, and troubleshoot when things don't go as planned. These lessons have been designed and tested and are suitable for Brownies, Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors.
The Red Beard Pandas continue this outreach legacy! If you are a Girl Scout Troop in the New River Valley and would like us to come and help facilitate the robotics badge for your scouts, we'd love to help you! If you are an FTC team and you want to learn more about the program so that you can spread robotics in your area with your local Girl Scout Troops, we'd love to have a virtual meeting with you and share the lesson and tips.
The Red Beard Pandas are excited about STEM and want to use our experience to bring STEM to other community groups! Please contact us today to schedule an outreach experience or learn how to do so in your area!